Friday, March 23, 2012

Spring 2012

Hello Everybody! It's been a few months since I last updated the blog, and I figured it was about time to add some more pictures. The past few months have flown by, and the kids are growing like crazy!

Christopher had his 2nd birthday in January :) Such a big boy! He had his 2 year check-up and is 36 inches tall and weighs 34 pounds...wowza! Needless to say between carrying Ava and helping Christopher, Mom's back is usually sore! We have become VERY independent, too. Not that it wasn't already in his personality, but it has really come out lately. We love to test the limits! He is still loving his trains and letters and playing outside. Now that it has gotten warmer, he is loving being able to spend more time exploring and playing outside. He loves going to daycare and is learning so much there. He has learned to read about 40 words (crazy I know, but he LOVES his letters) and is talking up a storm! Once a week he gets to play Soccer at school, which he REALLY looks forward to along with music class on Fridays. His best friend at school is Holt (picture below), and we've heard that he even has a girlfriend, Ella Claire (or at least she thinks so). Christopher wakes up asking to go to school most days, so it makes going to work for Mom and Dad a little easier knowing that he loves where he goes each day. He's been pretty sick with a cold this past week, but after a few french toast sticks, a banana, and a pop tart this morning, I'm thinking that he is feeling much better!

Little Miss Ava is doing great, too :) At her 6 month check-up she was about 20 pounds. Following right in her brother's footsteps! She has her two bottom teeth and her two top teeth are about to pop through. We think that Ava's hemangioma is done growing. It shouldn't get any bigger than it is now, and it should start getting smaller and fade over the next few years. We've been seeing a pediatric dermatologist for it, and he has just been monitoring it and thinks that it is doing fine. They don't recommend treating them unless they are compromising a vital part of the body such as the eye or nose. They usually clear up on their own and then the leftover can be lasered later on if needed. Ava's hair will cover hers when she FINALLY gets some! Ava seems to really enjoy going to daycare also. She is one of 5 babies and is the only girl. She sits with her friends at the table and talks to them and will even hold hands if they are sitting right next to her :) Ava can now sit up on her own, although, we do topple over after awhile, and she is looking like she is attempting to crawl these past couple of days. She should be on the move soon! I'm not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing...

Big boy bike from "Gum and Pa" (Christopher's version of Lucky Grandma and Grandpa)

Christopher and his best friend, Holt

Christopher got to "pet" a snake at school - He loved it!

Helping Mom clean...this reminds me of Eddie on Christmas Vacation...

Ava LOVES her big brother

Playing outside

Sweet girl :)

Always happy

Kisses from Christopher

Aunt Mary
February visit to NY - meeting lots of new people!

Great Grandma

Uncle Bob

Great Grandpapa

Lucky Grandma and Grandpa

He loves to cook - baking cupcakes

Happy 2nd Birthday, Christopher!

Playing on the Ipad

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