Tuesday, April 6, 2010

11 Weeks

Happy Spring! Boy are we glad that the weather is finally nice and we can spend some time outside! Christopher seems to really like the outdoors, and he loves going for walks. He even fits in his little umbrella stroller now.

He seems to be growing by the day lately and is weighing in at a hefty 14 pounds (possibly more!). He's been sleeping much better. He has only been getting up once during the night and has recently slept completely through the night a few times, which really makes Mom, Dad and Grandma very happy campers :) I started back to work last week, so it has been pretty hectic around here, but the little guy is enjoying his time with Grandma Lucky! Needless to say, I think he is getting S-P-O-I-L-E-D!

We will be home for a few weeks in June and are looking forward to meeting everyone!

Happy Easter!

Taking a little snooze on St.Patrick's Day...zzzzz

Constant motion is the name of the game these days. After our 50th lap around the downstairs he passed out and so did Mom!

A great big smile :)

Stretchin out!

Enjoying a drink with Dad

Dad's future golf buddy

A little Mommy Love!

Shot day :(

Out and about with Mom

Cuddling next to Dad

Big boy stroller!

A day in the sun

Family Time

1 comment:

  1. Christopher I missed your smiling face this morning when I woke up. I hope you slept all night so your Mommy, Daddy and Grandma got to get a goodnights sleep .
    Granny loves you little boy and I am counting the days till I see you again. Grandpa loved your photos:) Tell your Mommy, Daddy and Grandma Lucki thank you for a lovely visit from me.
    see you soon..xoxoxo
