Friday, February 19, 2010

A Star is Born - January 19, 2010

Sweet dreams

Hello World!

Hanging out with Mom

Hess Boys

Dressed up like Daddy

Grandpa and Grandma enjoying their new grandson

Quality Time

Grandpa Lucky

Sweet Boy

Grandma Lucky

Getting dried off

We didn't really like our 1st bath, but we like to take them now

Our little bundle

Granny Hess

On our way home

Little burrito

His new best friend, Mr. Teddy Bear

It's all about me!

Grandpa Hess


A BIG star is born! Christopher Michael Hess - 8lb 4oz - 21 inches.
Since most of you do not live nearby, Chris and I thought we would create a blog to share photos and whatnot to keep everyone up to date. We will do our best to keep this updated since we have so much spare time now - Ha!

Time flies - he is already one month old! He is definitely a feisty little bugger, and lets us know when he wants something! He's a sweet little guy, though, minus diaper/clothes changing and feedings :) He has just started sleeping 3 hours at a time (crossing our fingers that will continue).
I'm sure most of you have seen these pictures via e-mail/facebook, but just in case... We will update soon with some more!


  1. He's so precious. Enjoy every minute of it!

  2. LOVE LOVE LOVE the blog. The burrito cracks me up!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to see the little burrito soon! ~Katie B
